The data sets used in these notes are available from the course webpage:
)The brackets show the names of the data sets used below
if necessary)There is no strict definition for wide and long data. Rather, the two should be understood as relative descriptions of data, meaning that it is more straightforward to speak of a data set that is longer relative to another one, rather than a long data set per se.
Here is an example for a rather long data set:
## country year variable value
## 1: Germany 2017 unemp 3.75
## 2: Germany 2017 gdp 53071.46
## 3: Germany 2017 gini 29.40
## 4: Germany 2018 unemp 3.38
## 5: Germany 2018 gdp 53486.84
## 6: Germany 2018 gini 29.60
## 7: Greece 2017 unemp 21.49
## 8: Greece 2017 gdp 28604.86
## 9: Greece 2017 gini 32.20
## 10: Greece 2018 unemp 19.29
## 11: Greece 2018 gdp 29141.17
## 12: Greece 2018 gini 31.70
Here, we have one column identifying the variable, the value of which is stored in a separate column. This means that the data is relatively ‘long’ in the sense of having many rows. At the same time, it is relatively ‘narrow’ in the sense of not having too many columns since the variable identifier is kept in a single column.
Contrast this with an example for a rather wide data set, where each variable has its own column:
## country year unemp gdp gini
## 1: Germany 2017 3.75 53071.46 29.4
## 2: Germany 2018 3.38 53486.84 29.6
## 3: Greece 2017 21.49 28604.86 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 19.29 29141.17 31.7
Here, we have more columns since the three variables, the unemployment rate and GDP, have their own columns. In effect, the data set has much more columns, but tends to be shorter in the sense of having fewer rows.
While the long format is often easier to read and preferable when communicating data to humans, making data tidy often involves the task of making data ‘longer’.
To make data wider we use the function
Assume that we start with our long data set introduced above and that
this data set is bound to the name data_raw_long
::glimpse(data_raw_long) dplyr
## Rows: 12
## Columns: 4
## $ country <chr> "Germany", "Germany", "Germany", "Germany", "Germany", "Germa…
## $ year <int> 2017, 2017, 2017, 2018, 2018, 2018, 2017, 2017, 2017, 2018, 2…
## $ variable <chr> "unemp", "gdp", "gini", "unemp", "gdp", "gini", "unemp", "gdp…
## $ value <dbl> 3.75, 53071.46, 29.40, 3.38, 53486.84, 29.60, 21.49, 28604.86…
We will now use tidyr::pivor_wider()
to make this data
set wider. The most important arguments of this function are as
is the first argument and refers to the name of
the data set to be considerednames_from
denotes the column that includes the names
of the new columnsvalues_from
denotes the column that includes the values
to be allocated in the newly created cellsIn the present case, the call would look like the following:
<- tidyr::pivot_wider(
data_raw_wide data = data_raw_long,
names_from = "variable",
values_from = "value")
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
## country year unemp gdp gini
## <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 2017 3.75 53071. 29.4
## 2 Germany 2018 3.38 53487. 29.6
## 3 Greece 2017 21.5 28605. 32.2
## 4 Greece 2018 19.3 29141. 31.7
Assume we want to take the data set data_raw_wide
re-create the original long version. To achieve this we can use
. Again, lets have a look at the most
important arguments:2
is the first argument and refers to the name of
the data set to be consideredcols
denotes the columns that should be transformed
into the longer formatnames_to
denotes the column that includes the names of
the new columnsvalues_to
denotes the column that includes the values
to be allocated in the newly created cellsThe arguments names_to
and values_to
not strictly necessary since they have useful default values, but its
usually nicer to be explicit.
When specifying the argument cols
you have several
possibilities. The safest variant is to use the function
and pass a character vector with the column
names. You can save a lot of writing by using so called selection
helpers, a very useful tool we will learn about later.
In our case this amounts to:
<- tidyr::pivot_longer(
data_raw_long data = data_raw_wide,
cols = dplyr::all_of(c("unemp", "gdp", "gini")),
names_to = "indicator",
values_to = "values")
## # A tibble: 12 × 4
## country year indicator values
## <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 2017 unemp 3.75
## 2 Germany 2017 gdp 53071.
## 3 Germany 2017 gini 29.4
## 4 Germany 2018 unemp 3.38
## 5 Germany 2018 gdp 53487.
## 6 Germany 2018 gini 29.6
## 7 Greece 2017 unemp 21.5
## 8 Greece 2017 gdp 28605.
## 9 Greece 2017 gini 32.2
## 10 Greece 2018 unemp 19.3
## 11 Greece 2018 gdp 29141.
## 12 Greece 2018 gini 31.7
Pipes are provided via the package magrittr
, which is
loaded automatically if you attach packages such as tidyr
or dplyr
. Pipes are short keywords that facilitate the
development of very readable and transparent data wrangling code.
While there are many different
pipes, the one we will use extensively is %>%
. It is
always used at the end of a line, and it basically ‘throws’ the result
of this line into the next line of code. In this line, you can refer to
the intermediate result via .
, or it is used implicitly as
the first argument to the function you use.
In other words, x %>% f(y)
x %>% f(., y)
) is equivalent to
f(x, y)
But lets look at an example! Assume we start with this data set:
<- data_raw %>%
pipe_data_raw select(country, year, gdp, unemp)
## country year gdp unemp
## 1: Germany 2017 53071.46 3.75
## 2: Germany 2018 53486.84 3.38
## 3: Greece 2017 28604.86 21.49
## 4: Greece 2018 29141.17 19.29
And what we want is this:
## # A tibble: 4 × 4
## country name `2017` `2018`
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Germany gdp 53071. 53487.
## 2 Germany unemp 3.75 3.38
## 3 Greece gdp 28605. 29141.
## 4 Greece unemp 21.5 19.3
We can do this by first making the data longer, and then wider. We could do this explicitly:
<- pivot_longer(
pipe_data_1 data = pipe_data_raw,
cols = all_of(c("gdp", "unemp")))
<- pivot_wider(
pipe_data_2 data = pipe_data_1,
names_from = "year",
values_from = "value")
But we can also write this code more concisely using the pipe:
<- pivot_longer(
pipe_data_final data = pipe_data_raw,
cols = all_of(c("gdp", "unemp"))) %>%
data = .,
names_from = "year",
values_from = "value")
Or, since the pipe carries the intermediate result implicitly as the
first argument to the function on the next line we can space the
data = .
<- pivot_longer(
pipe_data_final data = pipe_data_raw,
cols = all_of(c("gdp", "unemp"))) %>%
names_from = "year",
values_from = "value")
The %>%
-pipe allows you to write very readable code,
so make sure you use it often. But for code development it might be
nevertheless helpful to write the intermediate steps explicitly.
The function dplyr::mutate()
is used both for
manipulating existing columns as well as creating new columns. In the
first case the name of the column that the result of
is written into already exists, in the
second case we just use a new name.
Consider the following data set with the unemployment rate as an example:
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## year Germany Greece
## <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2017 3.75 21.5
## 2 2018 3.38 19.3
Assume we want to express the percentage values via decimal numbers
and, to this end, divide the values in the columns Germany
and Greece
by 100. We can use dplyr::mutate()
to achieve this:
data_unemp ::mutate(
dplyrGermany = Germany/100,
Greece = Greece/100
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## year Germany Greece
## <int> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2017 0.0375 0.215
## 2 2018 0.0338 0.193
But we could use basically the same code to create a new column. Assume, for instance, we want a new column containing the difference between the unemployment rates:
data_unemp ::mutate(
dplyrDifference = Greece - Germany
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
## year Germany Greece Difference
## <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2017 3.75 21.5 17.7
## 2 2018 3.38 19.3 15.9
The only difference here was that the left-hand-side name of the column to be manipulated did not exist before!
The function dplyr::filter()
can be used to filter rows
according to certain conditions. The conditions must evaluate for each
cell entry to either TRUE
, and only
those rows for which they evaluate to TRUE
remain in the
data set. Often, the conditions are specified via logical operators,
which were already covered in the tutorial on vector types.
As always, the first argument to dplyr::filter()
, i.e. the data set on which you want to operate. Then
follow an arbitrary number of logical conditions on the different
columns of the data set on question.
Assume we want to take the previously defined data set
## # A tibble: 12 × 4
## country year indicator values
## <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 2017 unemp 3.75
## 2 Germany 2017 gdp 53071.
## 3 Germany 2017 gini 29.4
## 4 Germany 2018 unemp 3.38
## 5 Germany 2018 gdp 53487.
## 6 Germany 2018 gini 29.6
## 7 Greece 2017 unemp 21.5
## 8 Greece 2017 gdp 28605.
## 9 Greece 2017 gini 32.2
## 10 Greece 2018 unemp 19.3
## 11 Greece 2018 gdp 29141.
## 12 Greece 2018 gini 31.7
and only want to keep data on GDP:
data_raw_long ::filter(indicator=="gdp") dplyr
## # A tibble: 4 × 4
## country year indicator values
## <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 2017 gdp 53071.
## 2 Germany 2018 gdp 53487.
## 3 Greece 2017 gdp 28605.
## 4 Greece 2018 gdp 29141.
You may also combine more than one condition in one call to
. If you also want to filter by values and
only keep those rows where the value is below 50.000:
data_raw_long ::filter(
indicator< 50000) values
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
## country year indicator values
## <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Greece 2017 gdp 28605.
## 2 Greece 2018 gdp 29141.
When you only want to keep certain columns we speak of selecting (rather than filtering) columns. This is done - surprise - via the function ´dplyr::select()`.
There are different ways for selecting columns. In any case, the
first argument is, again, data
, i.e. the data set
considered. In the present case, we will refer to
## country year unemp gdp gini
## 1: Germany 2017 3.75 53071.46 29.4
## 2: Germany 2018 3.38 53486.84 29.6
## 3: Greece 2017 21.49 28604.86 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 19.29 29141.17 31.7
Then we can now select columns using one of the following two options. First, you may refer to columns via their name:
data_raw ::select(country, year, unemp) dplyr
## country year unemp
## 1: Germany 2017 3.75
## 2: Germany 2018 3.38
## 3: Greece 2017 21.49
## 4: Greece 2018 19.29
But this is often error-prone. Thus, it is usually better to refer to
the columns via selection
helpers, which is also the most flexible version. While we will
learn about more selection helpers later, here we will only use
, which accepts a character vector of column
data_raw ::select(dplyr::all_of(c("country", "year", "gini"))) dplyr
## country year gini
## 1: Germany 2017 29.4
## 2: Germany 2018 29.6
## 3: Greece 2017 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 31.7
Caution: Do not forget the
! Otherwise:
data_raw ::select(dplyr::all_of("country", "year", "gini")) dplyr
## Error in `dplyr::select()`:
## ! unused arguments ("year", "gini")
It is also possible to define the column vector first:
<- c("country", "year", "gini")
cols2keep %>%
data_raw ::select(dplyr::all_of(cols2keep)) dplyr
## country year gini
## 1: Germany 2017 29.4
## 2: Germany 2018 29.6
## 3: Greece 2017 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 31.7
In any case, you can also specify the columns you want to
drop. To this end, just add a -
in front of the
selection command:
data_raw ::select(-unemp, -gdp) dplyr
## country year gini
## 1: Germany 2017 29.4
## 2: Germany 2018 29.6
## 3: Greece 2017 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 31.7
Often you need to obtain data from different sources. To merge all
your data in one single data set, you need to use one of the
functions of the dplyr
-package. These
functions all merge two data sets, but the way they do it is different.
Below we illustrate the most common joins (so called mutating
As a guiding example we use the following two data sets:
First, data on income inequality from the SWIID data base:
## country year gini
## 1: Greece 2015 33.1
## 2: Greece 2017 32.2
Second, data on GDP per capita from the World Bank:
## country year gdp
## 1: Germany 2017 53071.46
## 2: Germany 2018 53486.84
## 3: Greece 2017 28604.86
## 4: Greece 2018 29141.17
We will consider the behavior of the following four functions:
All of them accept the following arguments:
and y
: the two data sets to be
: a vector or a named vector indicating on which
columns the data sets should be mergedIts easier to understand their behavior if you contrast them directly
with each other. First, dplyr::left_join()
joins the data
sets on those columns mentioned in by
, but only keeps those
rows for which x
contains an observation:
::left_join(x = gdp_join, y = swiid_join, by = c("country", "year")) dplyr
## country year gdp gini
## 1: Germany 2017 53071.46 NA
## 2: Germany 2018 53486.84 NA
## 3: Greece 2017 28604.86 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 29141.17 NA
This might introduce NA
s into the columns of
, but not of x
. It is the other way around
for dplyr::right_join()
: it only keeps those rows for which
contains an observation:
::right_join(x = gdp_join, y = swiid_join, by = c("country", "year")) dplyr
## country year gdp gini
## 1: Greece 2017 28604.86 32.2
## 2: Greece 2015 NA 33.1
is the most restrictive option,
keeping only those rows for which both x
and y
contain an observation (i.e. it never introduces NA
::inner_join(x = gdp_join, y = swiid_join, by = c("country", "year")) dplyr
## country year gdp gini
## 1: Greece 2017 28604.86 32.2
Finally, dplyr::full_join()
contains all rows that occur
at least in x
or y
, i.e. it might
introduce NA
s in both the columns of x
::full_join(x = gdp_join, y = swiid_join, by = c("country", "year")) dplyr
## country year gdp gini
## 1: Germany 2017 53071.46 NA
## 2: Germany 2018 53486.84 NA
## 3: Greece 2017 28604.86 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 29141.17 NA
## 5: Greece 2015 NA 33.1
Two final remarks: first, the types of the columns on which you merge the data sets must be equal, otherwise R throws an error:
<- dplyr::mutate(swiid_join, year=as.character(year))
swiid_join ::left_join(x = gdp_join, y = swiid_join, by = c("country", "year")) dplyr
## Error in `dplyr::left_join()`:
## ! Can't join on `x$year` x `y$year` because of incompatible types.
## ℹ `x$year` is of type <integer>>.
## ℹ `y$year` is of type <character>>.
Just enforce the correct data type before merging:
swiid_join ::mutate(year=as.integer(year)) %>%
dplyr::left_join(x = gdp_join, y = ., by = c("country", "year")) dplyr
## country year gdp gini
## 1: Germany 2017 53071.46 NA
## 2: Germany 2018 53486.84 NA
## 3: Greece 2017 28604.86 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 29141.17 NA
Second, you can also merge on columns with different names by passing
named vectors to by
<- swiid_join %>%
swiid_join mutate(Year=as.double(year)) %>%
## country gini Year
## 1: Greece 33.1 2015
## 2: Greece 32.2 2017
Then this does not work any more:
dplyrx = gdp_join, y = swiid_join,
by = c("country", "year"))
## Error in `dplyr::left_join()`:
## ! Join columns must be present in data.
## ✖ Problem with `year`.
But the named vector fixes it:
dplyrx = gdp_join, y = swiid_join,
by = c("country", "year"="Year"))
## country year gdp gini
## 1: Germany 2017 53071.46 NA
## 2: Germany 2018 53486.84 NA
## 3: Greece 2017 28604.86 32.2
## 4: Greece 2018 29141.17 NA
The final challenge we consider involves the application of two
functions (at least in most cases): dplyr::group_by()
is usually used within pipes and
groups a data set according to an arbitrary number of variables, each of
which must refer to one (and only one) column. It produces a grouped
data set:
<- data_raw %>%
data_raw_grouped ::group_by(country)
dplyr data_raw_grouped
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
## # Groups: country [2]
## country year unemp gdp gini
## <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 2017 3.75 53071. 29.4
## 2 Germany 2018 3.38 53487. 29.6
## 3 Greece 2017 21.5 28605. 32.2
## 4 Greece 2018 19.3 29141. 31.7
As you can see, the data set is now grouped by the variable
. We can specify the grouping variables the same way
we selected columns in the context of dplyr::select()
Grouped data sets are usually not interesting in itself. You can
ungroup them via dplyr::ungroup()
data_raw_grouped ::ungroup() dplyr
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
## country year unemp gdp gini
## <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 2017 3.75 53071. 29.4
## 2 Germany 2018 3.38 53487. 29.6
## 3 Greece 2017 21.5 28605. 32.2
## 4 Greece 2018 19.3 29141. 31.7
They are most useful if used in conjunction with
, which summarizes variables. While it
can be used without dplyr::group_by()
, it is most useful if
it is applied to grouped data sets: then it computes summary statistics
for each group.
data_raw summarise(
## avg_gdp
## 1 41076.08
data_raw_grouped summarise(
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
## country avg_gdp
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 53279.
## 2 Greece 28873.
You can also summarized more than one column:
data_raw_grouped summarise(
## # A tibble: 2 × 3
## country avg_gdp median_unemp
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Germany 53279. 3.57
## 2 Greece 28873. 20.4
Note that dplyr::summarise()
drops all columns that it
is not asked to compute summary statistics for, except potential
grouping variables.
Thanks to the pipes it is easy to chain the many different wrangling steps into one function call. But in practice it is very important that you (1) inspect your raw data very clearly, (2) write down the desired end product, and then (3) think about the single steps required to reach the desired outcome. Each step should address one (and only one) wrangling challenge.
To illustrate this, assume we start start with this raw data:
## Classes 'data.table' and 'data.frame': 84 obs. of 4 variables:
## $ country: chr "Austria" "Austria" "Austria" "Austria" ...
## $ year : int 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 ...
## $ unemp : num 4.69 4.01 4.85 4.78 5.83 ...
## $ gdp : num 46470 46879 47419 47633 48633 ...
## - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>
What we want to do is to compute the difference in the country averages of the variables for the time periods 2005-2007 and 2010-2013. This would look like this:4
To achieve this, we need to chain a number of wrangling challenges introduced above:
data_final_expl ::mutate(
dplyrperiod = ifelse(
test = year %in% 2005:2007,
yes = "Early",
no = ifelse(
test = year %in% 2010:2013,
yes = "Late",
no = NA))
) ::filter(! %>%
dplyrgroup_by(country, period) %>%
avg_unemp = mean(unemp),
avg_gdp = mean(gdp),
.groups = "drop"
) ::pivot_longer(
tidyrcols = dplyr::all_of(c("avg_unemp", "avg_gdp")),
names_to = "indicator",
values_to = "values") %>%
tidyrnames_from = "period",
values_from = "values") %>%
dplyrDifference = Late - Early
) ::select(-Early, -Late) %>%
tidyrnames_from = "indicator",
values_from = "Difference")
## # A tibble: 4 × 3
## country avg_unemp avg_gdp
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Austria -0.348 1899.
## 2 Germany -4.18 3570.
## 3 Greece 11.5 -6234.
## 4 Italy 3.02 -3014.
If you have trouble understanding the many steps, redo the computations yourself and always check what happens in the single steps. It is not a good idea to write such a long chain in one working step, but rather to make sure that you always understand what happens in any single step, and then expand the chain one by one.
The function allows for much more finetuning. You might read more about its argument in the help page of the function or the online documentation.↩︎
See the online documentation for a more complete description.↩︎
The other join types are filtering joins and nest joins. You find more information in the web, and more details on the underlying theory in chapter 13 of R4DS.↩︎
We have not yet covered the function
. It contains a logical test as a first argument,
and then two further arguments: one return value for the case in which
the test returns TRUE
, and one for which the test returns